Triple Bunk Bed – Modern & Functional Designs

Built In Triple Bunk Bed

Triple bunk bed are three beds are stacked above one another makes it possible to create three people to sleep comfortably in a room. However, this type of bed you can not save it in any place. At least, you should have a high room, the height of triple bunk beds can exceed a height of 2 adults. But it does not matter if you have a small room, you can save even more space by using this type.

Built In Triple Bunk BedTriple Bunk Beds With TrundleTriple Bunk BedsModern Triple Bunk Bed Built InBuilt in L-shaped Triple Bunk BedsCorner Triple Bunk BedL-shaped Triple Bunk BedBuilt In Triple Bunk Beds

Triple bunk bed are very handy for families who have little space and has three children who share the space. In situations like this, it is not possible to put three beds in a room. This is a good solution while there will be plenty of room to play and put the other furniture. What are things you should consider before buying a triple bunk bed? check it out!

Height of the bed is the first thing to be a priority for the note. See to it that the beds in top still has a distance to the roof. It will make them feel comfortable sleeping there and not stuffy. Height of the room will also be a benchmark for you to determine the appropriate triple bunk bed. How might you be able to enter a triple bunk bed is higher than the height of the room?

Built In Triple Bunk Beds

Corner Triple Bunk Bed


Triple Bunk Beds

If you have an average height of the room, you can choose a suitable design. There will be more triple bunk bed that adjust the height to the height of an average room. Other solutions you can choose a triple bunk bed with a trundle, this is an additional bunk bed with trundle so it has a normal height, on the other hand you may have to make sure that the room has enough space when the trundle bed is used.

Triple Bunk Beds With Trundle

Built in L-shaped Triple Bunk Beds

The second part, you have to really pay attention to the use of materials seriously. Imagine a furniture to accommodate three people at once, how much weight should be covered? Use strong material to maintain the safety of you and your children. Triple Bunk beds are available in a wide selection of material, which is the most popular use of wood, but there is no harm if you use metal. In addition to stronger, is also cheaper and you do not need to spend a lot of money for it.

L-shaped Triple Bunk Bed

Modern Triple Bunk Bed Built In

Most triple bunk beds come with a bed piled up, but the urban furniture is growing, a result there are thousands of kinds of designs that you can choose one of them is a L shaped triple bunk bed. It allows you to place a triple bunk bed in the corner of the room. corner triple bunk bed usually is not too high so  it can be stored at the average height of the room.